Homebrew’s Bottom Up Economy: Two Links

Out of both opportunity and necessity, consumers, developers and SMBs are creating/accessing new marketplaces, revenue streams and efficiencies. The individual, or teams of 5, 50, 500 increasingly innovate and create via technology. That’s the main premise behind the current investment strategy of our seed fund Homebrew. We call it The Bottom Up Economy.

Recently read bunch of interesting posts on aspects of the Bottom Up Economy, so link blogging two here:

As Software Eats the World, Non-Tech Corporations Are Eating Startups – TechCrunch covers the increasing trend of traditional large companies purchasing technology startups. Basically ties back to the fact that technology is no longer an industry vertical but a horizontal capability that every leading company will need to understand. When I look at the companies we’ve invested in, I can easily identify several potential acquirers who come from the “non-tech” world. Great opportunity for founders to have another exit path.

The Limits of Capitalism – VC Fred Wilson articulates the societal tension being caused by economic and skill displacement from the shift to a technology driven economy from the footprint of industrial capitalism. When we say that the Bottom Up Economy is one of both opportunity and necessity, this is one aspect of what we mean. There are a host of people – good, smart people – who find their careers and stability shaken by these changes. At Homebrew we believe this creates opportunities for many different types of startups to address their needs.